Currently you would find two categories of lawyers in the Western countries
Category 1
You would find them to be shy, shaky and worried about losing everything in their life. Their facial expression would be as if hell has broken loose and the seas are swelling to swallow them in the waves. They would also be found to be abusive about lawyers of other countries without any valid reason …..Courtesy Legal Process Off-shoring to India
Category 2
The second category would be cheerful, expectant, looking forward to higher and better professional activities andwould be ambitious about the forthcoming days. They would be found to be exploring more and better means of global partnership in the legal profession…..Courtesy Legal Process Off-shoring to India.
Whether to belong to Category 1 or Category 2 is the choice of the individual concerned.
But it would only be those in Category 2 who would go ahead with their global legal profession. They would strike synergies with various legal service providers in numerous destinations over-seas, create extensions of their law offices off-shore and put together the best of services from across continents to serve the needs of their clients. In return they would earn a high degree of C-SAT; (Client Satisfaction) and obviously that would mean more inflow of client and cash.
Now what would happen to those in Category 1? Nothing much!!! I mean the same usual story of unsuccessful people…. who feel intimidated for nothing and create a mental blockage for themselves and ultimately end up actually losing everything in life.
But you don’t worry; as an Indian lawyer working in the LPO industry, just keep doing your job with higher efficiency with each passing day and you would have a world of accomplishments to win.
The Indian LPO industry is more than willing to "get into the room" with those people in Category 2 and frame future strategies about how to take the global legal profession to the next level.
Come, let us meet and talk at the Global LPO Conference 2010 on 13th and 14th November, this year in New Delhi , India
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